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2000 Seek The Old Paths Lectureship
Leaving Our First Love -- Jimmy Bates
Bible Authority -- Rusty Stark
Grace, Law And Works -- Garland M. Robinson
Binding Where God Has Not Bound -- Nat Evans
Mechanical Instrumental Music -- Tom House
Elders -- Richard Guill
Faithfulness -- Michael Jordan
The Indwelling Of The Holy Spirit -- Tom Bright
Special Music And Handclapping -- Victor M. Eskew
Preachers Under Fire -- Charles Leonard
Loosing Where God Has Not Loosed (Liberalism) -- Gilbert Gough
Changes In Worship: All of Life is Worship, Holidays, Praise Teams, Handclapping -- Freddie Shows
What Does the Holy Spirit Do For Us Today? -- Bill Lockwood
The Community Church -- Gary McDade
Modern Versions And Translations -- Chuck Northrop
What Biblical Love Is -- Joel Morrison
Christian Schools: Source of Digression and Apostasy -- James W. Boyd
Pentecostalism, Emotionalism And Pep-rally Religion -- Ken Burleson
Fellowship — Unity in Diversity -- Alan Adams
The Baptism Of The Holy Spirit -- Robert R. Taylor, Jr.
Materialism -- Johnny Burkhart
Young People -- Gary Williams
The Work Of The Church -- Roger Campbell
The Role Of Women -- Virgil L. Hale
Benevolent And Missionary Societies -- Terry Joe Kee
Corruption Of The Plan Of Salvation -- David E. Paden, Jr.
Humanism -- Dwight Fuqua
Sin -- Ed Floyd
Immorality -- Don W. Tate
Bible School Literature -- Mike McDaniel
Who Is On the Lord’s Side? -- Ed Casteel
Evangelism -- Charles Blair
Denominationalism is Sinful because of its Doctrine and Practice (Chart)
Sayings of Men Vs. The Word of God (chart)
The Plan of Salvation