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Beauty for Ashes 2005

Beauty for Ashes 2005 Image

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Lesson Topics:

Darrell Beard - The Promise of God
Guy Hester - Things Freely Given to Us
Alan Adams - I Will Not Leave Thee
Dean Buchanon - Love
Ferrell Hester - Wisdom
Dean Buchanon - Trust
Roger Scully - Hope
Ken Burleson - Temperance
Sidney White - He Leads Me
James Boyd - Courage
Robert Taylor - Beauty for Ashes
Darrell Beard - Oil of Joy
Robert Taylor - Garment of Praise
Garland Robinson - Trees of Righteousness
Cade Somers - Longsuffering
Sidney White - When I Awake
Garland Robinson - Dwelling in His Presence
Ronnie Whittemore - My Soul Knoweth
James Boyd - The Lord Tries the Heart
Virgil Hale - Contentment
Jack Phillips - Committing Things to God
Ken Burleson - Prayer
Virgil Hale - Being Filled with the Spirit
Gary Colley - It is No Secret what God can Do

List Price:$14.95
Your Price:$3.00 (You save $11.95)
Weight:0.882 lbs